Gamejam Deadline End

The Gamejam Deadline is over soon wich means the current Gamejam Version is the Definite Gamejam Version. (Besides maybe a few bug fixes if it is completely unplayable).

This Gamejam Version will stay avaiable as a separate Download.

Gamejam entry Page

[ What now? ]

Like mentioned before, the future of this Project is dependant on multiple factors:

- My personal opinion on the game

- Feedback i get on the game

- Ideas and suggestions for new Features

- bugs to fix

- etc

But i might work on the Game more, maybe also make it avaiable on more platforms and of course make sure it is always in an at least playable state regarding bugs.

[ Updates ]

Updates will be published as a separate Version from the Gamejam version.

The Version will not be updated until the rating phase of the Gamejam is over (2. September 2024).

After this rating phase of the Gamejam the page will be brought up to date.

This is to not bypass Gamejam rules so it stays fair for everyone. 

Gamejolt Page

Lets see what everyone thinks of this fun little Project and where it will take us.

Feel free to share feedback, suggestions and ask questions.

Please also consider joining the community and maybe even supporting me:




Files 6.5 MB
25 days ago

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